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why choose collagen induction over collagen injections?

There is information overload when it comes to collagen: collagen supplements, collagen injections, collagen powders, naturally occurring collagen, collagen boosting actives, collagen induction therapy… The list is endless.

As experts in the world of skincare, we thought it was well and truly time to talk about collagen. The simple fact is there’s a lot of misinformation out there and it’s time to set the record straight. 

We have condensed what you need to know about collagen and skin to less than a 4-minute read. Ready to learn what it is, why it’s so important, and how to get more of it - without painful injections?

Here we go...

What’s Collagen?

Collagen makes up a third of your body’s total protein. It’s present in the skin and your bones, muscles, teeth, corneas, tendons, and ligaments. Humans are not the only animals with collagen. In fact, many of the collagen supplements come from cows and fish but plant-based supplements are also available.

Collagen and the Skin

When you think of collagen, the first thing that might spring to mind is skin. That’s because collagen makes up 75% of the dry weight of skin. And it’s what gives your skin its structure - keeping it firm and smooth.

Think of it like the frame of a house - as your collagen production drops, your skin wrinkles. Just like the roof would come down on a house if nothing was holding it up. Collagen also plays an essential role in skin cell turnover.

While there are many skincare products that boast collagen as an ingredient, beware of these claims. Collagen molecules are too large to be absorbed by the deeper layers of skin. That means applying it topically may not help improve the signs of ageing.

A better alternative is to look for ingredients that boost or protect collagen within the skin, such as Retinoids, Antioxidants, Vitamin C, and broad-spectrum SPF.

Ageing and Collagen

From the age of 25, your natural collagen production begins to decline - yep, 25, how unfair is that?!

This is when you might first start to notice wrinkles. For women, there’s often a marked drop around menopause, related to the decline in estrogen. Smoking, poor diet and sun exposure all contribute to free radical damage, which also attacks collagen. This decline in collagen is responsible for the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Three Types of Collagen

While we often talk about “collagen” as a singular thing, there are many different collagen types. Our bodies are primarily made up of Type I, Type II and Type III. Type I collagen is the strongest and gives skin its stretch and elasticity.It also helps keep hair and nails strong. Type II collagen is responsible for building connective tissue and cartilage such as in your ears, nose, rib cage and joints. And Type III collagen works alongside Type I in the skin, ligaments, blood vessels, and joints. It also promotes skin health and elasticity.

Collagen and Wound Healing

Did you know the body’s natural healing process relies on collagen? After about 3 days, the wounded area enters something called the proliferation phase. This is where collagen is deposited at the site to increase the strength of the wound. Initially, collagen type III is deposited, but after 6-8 weeks, this transforms into the stronger type I. And it’s this completely natural and predictable process that’s behind the success of Dermapen Treatments.

Collagen Induction Therapy and Dermapen

Dermapen Treatments™ are a type of Collagen Induction Therapy (CIT). They work by creating thousands of controlled wounds in the skin to naturally trigger the body’s collagen production.

The key word here is “controlled”. The needles enter the skin cleanly at a 90-degree angle and without heat - making it safe and predictable for all Fitzpatrick skin types and ethnicities.

Dermapen Treatments offer a resolved proliferative response and scarless wound healing. The first phase releases type III collagen into the 1,920 puncture channels created per second with the Dermapen 4. Over 6–8 weeks, this immature collagen transitions into strong structural and durable type I collagen. This is why we may ask you to wait this long between clinical microneedling procedures.

If we perform more superficial procedures, we may ask you to return as often as every 2–4 weeks.

Long-lasting Collagen Benefits

The final phase of the wound healing response maturation is the continual remodelling and development of collagen. This can continue up to 2 years after a single Dermapen procedure. It’s a procedure that promotes better skin quality, functionality, regeneration, and integrity.

You don’t need to have painful collagen injections. Dermapen Treatments work with your body to naturally boost collagen levels for younger-looking skin.

Interested in learning more about boosting your collagen and looking younger with Dermapen Treatments? Book a consultation with us today.


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